Monday, February 22, 2016


Hey guys- I've been out sick but am back! I heard you ended still getting set up- so for this week Please come up with a project that uses 3d HOMEWORK for this week- Come up with an idea for 3D tracking - we will be able to track small simple objects by next class. You can track things like a cereal box or a soda can. Basically we can track cubes, rectangular cubes, and cylinders. 1. Come up w the concept for a 3d tracking AR project- please make a short written description 2. Try to Photoshop a concept sketch for next class. 3. Find any 3d models, textures, and assets you would like to use and bring them to class. Post all of this on your blog page. We will make it work next class. ----------------------------------------------------- Please meet with me outside of class- I know we have had a string of bad luck timing wise w the class- I want to start meeting w people outside of class- Tuesday and Thursday are the best for me- If you have time on these days please drop by my office (880) this and next week. I did turn in the SMAAASH ideas and their first comment was "you have some amazing ideas!". You really did and Im proud to be working with you- I think we will get some winners in the group- if you did not get me a pdf I tried to make one for you-

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