Yaming Xu

Final Documentation



Project Update:

Some problems:
1. How to track caps
2. I can't have Vuforia track two image Target at the same time.

I had some difficulties making my marker and water object move together in Proto.io. For now, users need to move the maker and water object separately. I'll fix it when I build it in Unity.

Interview and MVP plan:

  • Do you play mobile games on your phone?
  • What kind of game do you play?
  • Does the design of using bottles make sense to you?
  • Do you like the idea of moving bottles to decide the distance while playing games?
  • Do you like the idea of counting time or counting number of bottles?
  • For counting time, do you want to have competition with your friends?
  • For counting number, how do you think about the issue of the limited number of bottles?
  • Do you think I need to add some other elements?
  • Do you think it’s better to add some social elements?
  • (I added this question after my second interview)Someone said I need to think about how to attract the audience to come back. What are the elements that can attract you to play the game more than once?
  • Will this game motivate you to collect bottles?
  • I want to do it related to environmental protection. Do you have some suggestions on that?
  • Do you have other advice or suggestions?
      I should decide on one way, either activism way or commercial way. And I decided to environmental protection because I got a lot of feedback on that topic. The idea of using bottles as the game stage is new and interesting to most of the people. But I need a story to support the game. For some people, the interaction of play game with bottles doesn't make sense. Or they don't have the interest to play it twice. So a story would be really helpful. And they said it would also work if I can make the difficulty rising gradually and giving the player more rewards. I also need to decide my rules and constrain some of the difficulties, like the distance between two bottles. People said they would feel confused on that. For the rules, most people like the number counting rule instead of time counting rule. But when they thought about playing with friends, they opinions changed sometimes. 
      I guess my problem now is to decide my rules:
  • If I want to count the number of bottles, how should I solve the problem of getting more bottles? One person said I could give them extra points if they have more bottles. 
  • How can I integrate the social element into game design?
  • Decide the story.
  • Add more environmental elements to my game, like bonus points to bigger bottles, or bottles that can be used for more than one time.
  • Technical issues (a lot)

      I want to have a demo with the feature of jumping and score counted by the number of bottles. I want to focus more on the mechanism of the game. I want to know if the rules make sense to my targeted audience. In terms of the story, I want the color of the water to gradually change from polluted to transparent as the rewarding elements to people. And for my MVP, I will use Vuforia makers temporarily. 

interview 1:

interview 2:

interview 3:

interview 4:
She didn't want me to do video so I only did audio recording.

My phone ran out of storage while recording. So there are two videos recorded by two phones.

Week 6 Final Project Presentation

Week 5 wearable
I created some selfie filters for people. People can switch filters by clicking the change button.

Week 4
I am inspired by a watermelon sculpture and create a scene that there's a mouth inside a watermelon. I found a teeth model and created the watermelon sphere.


inspiration: watermelon sculpture

Week 3

This week I want to create a scene that a girl gets tired of studying and lies on the ground. I used video first but it didn't work. Then I switched to a GIF. GPS is not very accurate in the city. I want to put this girl on the ground but it keeps changing the place.

Week 2

I changed the Starbucks icon on the cup and killed the mermaid. For the first animation, I downloaded a video online and photoshopped all the frames. For the second one, I made the animation. It's my first time to make animation and I had some difficulty matching the shape perfectly.


During the winter break, I went to Atacama desert in Chile and did sand boarding there. It was my first time doing sand boarding. I fell down for many times, and finally learned how to control the board. My teachers were very nice. They stood on the top of the hill and gave instructions to us. There was a dog watching us all the time. If someone fell down on the sand, the dog would rush to the person to comfort him. There were also some tourists watching us. 

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