Sunday, November 5, 2017

HOMEWORK -- User feedback from MVP

Your homework is to show your MVP to 5 people and get their feedback-
The five people must be from your target audience.
They cannot be your friends!!!!!
Type of person

They must give you honest feedback-

Make a list of questions-
Ask each person the same questions-

Here are a few questions I came up with- [you do not have to use these....]

1. What is your reaction to what I have shown you?

2. What did you like most?

3. Would you pay to use this?

4. How much would you pay? Would you pay for an added feature? if so what is that feature + how much would you pay?

5.***very important -- What did you like least?
Make it clear to them that they MUST be honest- even if it hurts- this is the MOST IMPORTANT PART!!!!!!!!!

6. Would you use this? If so how often?

7. How would you change it to make it better?

8. Do you know of any other products similar to this- what do you like about them?
Do you use it? How often?

9. What should I have asked you that I did not [this is one of the best questions - I normally get great answers for this!]

***** everyone in this class has a different project and all of your questions should be different-
Come up with your own unique questions.
Gear the questions to your specific project.
There are lots of videos on MVPs online- look around if you are having problems
Ask Mark!!

What Parth said [and I also said]  is very true- your 1st guess as to what your product will be is
ALMOST ALWAYS WRONG-- you are making a guess- you need to talk w the people who will use your project and hear what they think b4 you invest a ton of time making your project-
If you have good questions and you LISTEN to your interviewees they can tell you a billion dollar idea- listen to them carefully and they can tell you the way to go-
Sadly we can only interview for a small part of the class - in real life, people would interview 50 -100 people who are in the target market.  It can save you a ton of time and lead you to a billion dollar idea if you do it right.
-- for artists
talk to art lovers - curators - collectors - activists
find out if someone else already made the work you are trying to do-
find out if they like it or if they think it's not quite there.
make up your own questions specific to your project-
If you are going to be an artist you MUST learn to talk about your work- You have to be able to do this.
This interview process is helping you learn to talk and communicate w others about your work.

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