Kai-Che Hung

Final Progress IIII

1.Not yet map the model to the right place.
2.It will be much better that I can build the model of fountain, arch to prevent the overlap problem.
3.Need to make thing a little blur at certain distance to create the create the spatial feeling.
4.Particle works well to fill AR environment and I should add more with more differentiated size.

Final Progress III

Final Progress II
Site Updated
 Music adopted: Pacific-707

Scene Design

 Technique will be applied: recording & photography function in AR

Technique will be applied: ARKit in Location-based

Final Progress I



Guest Critique


Visual Reference

AR Based MV

Final Project Interview
-AR Based Music Video

Music experience
Do you like to listen to music?
Most people likes music, the one who answer he don't like music still play music in the background when working. The reason why he answer he don't like is due to music doesn't give him strong emotional bound.

 What style of music you like?
Most people have a wide range of music preference. The most poplar style is hip-hop and electronic. Two of the interviewers use music as a tool to convey or transfer their mood, so they listen to different style of music as needed.

How long every day listen to music? how you listen?when? where?  
Time of listen to music varies a lot. Basically we can generalize into four kind of behavior: listen to music whenever there's no one talk to him or not in the class, listen to music when transportation, listen to music while working, listen to music as arrive home. Mostly, people listen through earpod, but as people situate in a private space, they will play music through speaker.

MV experience
Do you watch to MV purposely? Why or why not watch MV?
Most people watch MV but no one watch it purposely. Some of them used to watch the MTV channel ,but as people stop watching TV, they are no more watch MV. They seem MV as a different art work then music. The love toward music do not extend to MV in most case, but the love to musician does. Few of interviewers will go to listen music and watch MV as the musician they like release new album. In sum up, MV have to be seen as a independent video compete to other videos on the Youtube or even Netflix

What’s your favorite MV? Why?
mostly yes, as they watch other video on youtube

Video Shooting experience
Do you want to shoot your own AR MV? Will you share video with your friend?
Everyone Yes

Do you random daily video shooting?
only one people don't

Usually, How long are your videos?
mostly is under the limitation of Instagram story or snapchat which is under 1min. 

What would you like to see? musician? people dancing?
Must fit to the context of the song and environment
Music visualization
Unreal thing
Dancing on the steet
Face swipe
It will be cool if there's a DJ transfer the whole city into the concert lighting and midi equipment.

Concert Experience
Would you go to concert for AR? Would you want to go an AR concert?
Yes, but it's a add on. Still go to concert for music. Also, people don't expect and want to rise their phone for a very time. The lighting also affect the record quality.

Best DJ or musician you know?
Alva Nato
Ryuichi Sakamoto

AR experience
Have you ever play with AR?(e.g. Pokemon go) what do you think?
Yes, most interview think it's fancy and fun. One who have AR developing experience think it's overrated. Lots people even turn off the AR mode when play Pokemon go.

Which form of AR you think will be better, concert based or location based?
Location based will be more fun. However, people's AR imagination still tie with Pokemon go experience. They think it's fun to go around and collect things and it's also more easy to access than go to a concert. The only one who think concert based AR for the reason that concert is a more control environment. She think the weather and the time people experience the AR MV will influence the story a lot.

How much would you like to pay? (spotify $9.99/m, Song on the iTunes $1.29, Album in the iTunes $9.99)
Free *2
$1.29 *3
$5 *2

Simple video editing
Synchronize with music


The Unseen
What if someone fart and we can see it? 


What if google map can show 3D geographic feature in our phone?


Originally I want to put a fat Ronald Mcdonald to cover the originally fit Ronald Mcdonald, but it's hard to find a figure of Ronald. Facing difficult on positioning the model. Also, the skin of the model will only show up if I touch the screen. 

What you can't see
One of the feature of AR is to instantialize the information behind and to make people see what they can't see. Therefore, it is totally an ideal tool for ghostbusters to adventure in buildings with mysterious legend.

Photo by Gardiner Anderson
There's one site titled by The New York Times as a most haunted house in Manhattan. It's the Merchant's House Museum, a historical house surviving from Victoria's age and was own Tredwell Family. Although there's no tragedy happened here, many people still see, listen and feel something and they believe it's the last member of Tredwell family still live here. 

In this project, I want to narrate as a spotting of a living ghost, not trying to scare people. The problem I encounter is when using environment as targets, the position the direction of users' phone affect a lot. This also limits the spatial sense to visitors because people cannot move around and still see something. So I am really looking forward to the location-based AR. 


The beautiful memory of surfing in the hot sweaty summer back to Taiwan <3
I use structure sensor to scan my full body to get a model of myself.


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