Yinghua Yang

Week 11

Week 10

YOGAR: More poses

What did I do?

I replaced hand-prints and foot-prints with nicer ones, cleaned up the previous prototyping file, and added a set of basic yoga poses.

Mountain Pose

Downward Dog


Tree Pose1

Warrior 2

Seated Foward Fold

Week 9

YOGAR: Low-fidelity Prototyping in Hololens

What did I do?
This week, I brainstormed some ideas with Mark, learned more Hololens development through Hololens Academy and built a low-fidelity prototype of the YOGAR app on the top of Hololens Academy's example files.

Video demos:
Here's a demo of the prototype in Hololens Emulator.

Here's a video of me trying it out in Hololens.

Main take-aways from the low-fi prototype:
1. Limited view area, on the one hand, breaks the immersive experience; on the other hand, adds an excitement of exploration.
2. When I see a the foot print and step forward to put my foot there, the view will be gone because I was too close to the stage. Surprisingly, I still get the idea where my foot should be due to human-being's innate sense of direction.
3. Hololens is not that easy to fall :)

Things to work on in the future:
1. Add spatial mapping so that the stage can be put on the floor.
2. Add motion controller to detect the hand movements.
3. Research how to make objects transparent in Hololens so that users can see their own movement.
4. Research on adding sensors to a yoga map to detect feet locations.
5. Research on how to add laser to the butt position...

Week 8

YOGAR: Mental Prototyping, Preliminary User Testing, and Low-fidelity Prototyping(In Progress)

Mental prototyping: 

I drew the quick sketch to demonstrate how the hololens app works conceptually.

Preliminary User Testing:

I asked a yoga instructor to demonstrate the triangle pose by the wall before her student arrived. While she holds her pose, I used pens and papers to mark where her hands and feet are. I piled multiple yoga blocks to fill the gap between her hands and the wall/ground when needed.
To mark how her hands and feet touch their corresponding surface, I used a green market to color different touching areas, such as the whole green palm of the left hand, the green finger tips of the right hand, etc.

When her student arrived, I asked the student to figure out how to do a triangle pose based on the marks we set up (The student didn't learn the pose beforehand). The student quickly fitted herself into the pose without any instruction. I adjusted the height of the top left hand mark left by the instructor to the appropriate height of the student.

After the student was done with posing, she asked the instructor: "Is that correct?" The instructor said: "Yes, yes!!"

I interviewed them about the experience afterwards. Here are the take-aways:
1. It's a great way for beginners to self-learn yoga poses quickly at home.
2. For intermediate and advance learners, more instructions are needed besides the hand and foot marks, such as avoiding sticking out the butt and ribs too far for certain poses, how to use the muscle correctly, etc.
3. An audio instruction is needed.
4. Need to find a solution to accommodate people's different height and body limitations. Yoga does not promote to force your body to reach what your instructor can.

Low-fidelity prototyping (In Progress):

After trouble shoot and re-install millions of times, I finally made Hololens Emulator work on my Macbook Pro's Windows Boot-camp. I'm in the middle of building a low-fidelity prototype while going through Hololens Academy's tutorials.

Currently, I'm stuck at several compiler errors. Based on my research, it probably was caused by inconsistency of the naming between the current version of Unity and Hololens Academy's demo files. I will dig this more.

Week 7 

Pre-planning, Define the Concept, and Assess Technical Feasibility

1. Partition Mac's hard drive and installed Windows 10.

2. Set up HoloLens development environment including installing Visual Studio Community 2017, Windows 10 SDK, Universal Windows Platform, Hololens Emulator.
    ** Couldn't install the UWP and Hololens Emulator.

3. Reach out to NYU Yoga instructor Rose and schedule a meeting with her next week to measure her pose.

Week 6 


Week 5 

What's Happening Now

Besides using AR to enrich our living environment with fun and novel buildings, we can also use it to promote non-profit events that are happening right now.

For this week's homework, I used the current deadly California fires as an example.

I created a scene that looks like a burned area using the assets in the Asset Store. Inside those burned house, there are detailed news about the California fire. Outside the burned house, it's a headline about the non-profit event happening right not.

Below it's the video demo.

Midterm Idea - How It's Made OR Visualize Blockchain

Enable people to see how everything is made using AR on top of each nutrition chart or scan bar code


Week 4 

100 Ways to Use the Toilet

It bothers me so much that the toilets on the ITP floor are always smelly and the facilities inside are damaged in a certain degree with dirty looks. I haven't been to many places in NYC yet, but it seems to be a common case. I can imagine why a toilet is dirty, but I cannot understand how the toilet seat get damaged that often but chairs in the public places are not as much.

It's the SAME contact area, right?!

Unless, it's not...

So, I decided to create an AR app that imagines how a toilet gets treated in multiple ways as a sarcasm.

I first created a correct position of using the toilet.

The beginning and ending of the process are tricky for me due to the personal Apple ID certification issue and iPhone connection issue. I ended up choosing the ARkitShadow and run directly on my cellphone. To be honest, I still don't understand how it suddenly worked...

Then, I tested the app. It's too small, since the toilet environment is very white and flat...which makes it really hard to recognize. The character ends up to be super small every time I tried in a real toilet.

Last, I tried to add more actions, such as Ninjia Idle, Jumping, BellingDancing, etc. to make it fun as other ways people use the toilet.

However, I really couldn't figure out how to program correctly with more buttons and more actions...

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