Ankit Ruhela

Final Project - 15th December - WeAtheR

Presentation - Here


Final Project preparation - Film Storyboarding and app development in Unity (17th November)

This week I prepared a storyboard to showcase the weather app in a film reel.
Worked on resolving bugs and compile errors in the Unity app.
Initialized a spatial map for the application and set up and day and night cycles.

I was able to set up the spatial map inside the hololens emulator on visual studio, will be deploying the app to the hololens device to measure its accuracy.

Still working on -

Linking weather API to the weather cycles to show appropriate weather cycles according to the location.


Final Project preparation - User Testing, Research, and Exploration (10th November)

I headed out for some user testing over the past weekend with the HoloLens and allowing users to navigate through the Windows Holographic operating system.

I took their feedback into consideration and created an action plan for the user experience I would like to resolve/improve for a specific application.

I will be doing more user testing over the coming weekend; more in terms of A/B testing so that I can understand what people want, need or expect out of a certain application's experience.

User Testing

I tested multiple users with the native OS experience of the HoloLens. Tthe results were a mixed bag of feelings and emotions but people were mostly excited to try out the new technology and could see it using the device in the future as a part of their daily activities.

User 1 | NYU Tandon

*Played FutureBoy*

- Struggled with pinch to tap gestures, was not able to accurately select items and objects in order to interact with them.

- Loves the idea, and enjoyed the experience but expects more in terms of how the system can help the user learn a few things to start off with the experience.

- Addition of tips and instructions could be helpful.

User 2 | NYU Tandon

*Tried the Edge browser and played FutureBoy*

- Had issues with scrolling and navigating around a large amount of data. Scrolling does not work as intended.

- Would want to see a futuristic technology as the HoloLens to be more voice-activated than gesture dependent.

- Found the bloom gesture to be very useful, could relate it to the windows key.

- Tap could be more natural as done in a natural environment.

User 3 | NYU Tandon

*Played FutureBoy*

- Struggled really hard with gestures and was not able to use the device as intended.

- Took 10 minutes just to get the gestures right, eventually enjoyed the experience.

- Thinks that HMDs such as the HoloLens has to be more accessible than mobile devices for it to be useful in the future,

User 4 | NYU Tandon

*Played RoboRaid*

- Really enjoyed the experience of a game that could cover an entire space and allowed the user to move around in contrast to just sitting in front of a computer screen.

- Was able to naturally navigate through the OS to run the game and play it.

- Plans to buy the device when available for consumers.

User 5 | NYU Tandon

*Played RoboRaid and Fragments*

- Was able to navigate easily around in the OS.

- Impressed with how realistic the experience was.

- Found the FOV to be restrictive, but eventually adjusted to it, and didn't feel it was restrictive 20 minutes into the gameplay.

- Sees HMDs as the future of AR/MR.

After understanding the user reviews and brainstorming with the Professor, I was able to get down to one application that I will be focussing on to create a better user experience - the weather app.

Here are some mood boards that I am working on -

I have been able to create a scene in Unity with realistic looking rain, clouds and day/night cycles.

Will be tying them up with real/current world data in order to replicate what is going on outside. Eventually, the aim is to provide a data set according to the user's choosing to be able to see the weather of different locations throught out the world in a more immersive environment.


Final Project preparation - MVP (3rd November)

[Presentation Link - Here]

I started working in Unity to create basic scene structure for the model representation of how the User Experience can be improved in AR for users.

The approach I am taking is trying to strike a balance between ease of use (convenience) and the immersive experience of using an application inside AR. In order to indulge this idea, I am working on creating a dashboard that gives you all the information about your workspace in a quick glance.

The dashboard will give you information about time, date, day, weather, etc. but also information on where you last left off your work, it can suggest apps on the basis of your daily usage.

I intend to have basic Cortana voice recognition installed in the experience, and maybe even an AI  3D character that acts as your assistant in the 3D workspace to help you accomplish your day to day tasks.

Once you pick an application you want to start working on, the dashboard dissolves out and the room morphs in order to cater to that application's use case scenario. For ex, if you go into the weather application, the room will surround you in the weather conditions with animations around you that provide context to what the weather is like. You can look at weather forecasts from a week in the future as well.

The scene in Unity looks like following currently -


Final Project preparation and idea generation (27th October)

Moving away from rectangular screens blocking away immersiveness in an intuitive manner. Content that is contextually aware. Makes meaningful and tangible interactions that help users get things done much faster.

With the launch of Windows Mixed reality with the fall creators update, Microsoft has changed the way they are looking at XR scenarios.

Alex Kipman talks about how people could have an actual home with contextually aware rooms. A work room for all the work related windows, an entertainment room for all things such as watching movies and playing games.

Working on ideas to create star wars like user interfaces, contextual objects that mean something in the way they are placed and where they are placed.


Assignment 6 (20th October) MID-TERM PRESENTATION DECK

See Here - for ar_ankit_ruhela_2017.pdf


Assignment 5 (13th October)

Unity and ARKit

This week's assignment was a bit of a disappointment for me, but also a learning experience that it takes an immense amount of time trying to debug and float through all model building exercises in 3D.

I was trying to build upon my previous version of the project from week 4 and create a portal through a pillar into the magical world of Harry Potter. The idea was to run through the platform 9 3/4 pillar and arrive at the King's Cross station in the Magical World.

Here are a few screenshots of the same from Unity -

The AR app works and is functional, but I am working to add more portal-like functionality into it.

Here is the video of the AR app working in its current state -


Assignment 4 (6th October)

Unity and ARKit

With this week's assignment, I wanted to convey the current season's relationship with us. The fall season brings upon all of us a new start of the semester, a new cycle of seasons - it is the start of new beginnings. I also wanted to capture the festive mood of Halloween in Augmented Reality and leverage ARKit to help bring it to life.

To start me off, I went around looking for ideas that I can use to create a compelling experience. Few of the images I took on my ideation walk around are as follows:

I took my inspiration from the park scenes with autumn leaves.

I started off with setting a scene in Unity that uses a particle system to recreate the falling of autumn leaves. Then I set up candles around the scene along with Jack-O-Lanterns.

Test video of the working scene - 

My idea also incorporated using a script that could on tapping the screen, allow the user to place a running zombie in the scene that runs towards the camera, and if the user would tap on it, the zombie would get knocked back off and die. Due to multiple issues and errors surrounding loading the 3D model in Unity, I was not able to recreate this idea in Unity.


The scene, right now, captures the Fall Season and the festive mood of Halloween and recreates it using ARKit.

Assignment 3 (29th September)

Unity and Vuforia

For this assignment, I am using a flight simulation script inside Unity to fly around an airplane. Unfortunately, Unity file that I am working with is not able to generate an iOS compatible build file, and is giving various compiler errors.

I am working on troubleshooting the problem, and will post the rest of my work here as soon as it is done.


Assignment 2 (22nd September)

Print AR Experiment with Aurasma

I created a few different versions with the Science Magazine. The thing with magazines of such kind is that they can get really boring with all the technicalities.

Adding the component of AR can make lifeless images come to life in the form of videos and help explain the entire article in a more interesting fashion.

1. Wildebeest Arua

2. Galapagos Aura

3. Air Balloon Aura


Assignment 1 (15th September)

Trying an AR app

I tried using the augmented reality app by Kateryna Khotkevych called INKHUNTER.

This app allow the user to apply a tattoo wherever it sees a marker in the shape of a smiley, shown below in the images.

The user selects a tattoo from the wide variety of digital tattoo designs that are available in the app’s catalogue that seems to be populated by a lot of community members who love designing tattoos. The user selects one they like, tap on “TRY”, which opens up the phone’s camera inside the app allowing the user to find and point at the smiley marker they make on any where on their body. The app instantly recognizes the marker, overlays a color based on your skin from the surrounding color samples and then overlays the tattoo design. The design can be zoomed in or out, rotated on any angle as the user desires and then save the design. The app allows the user to also share their digital tattoo online on any of the social media platforms such as facebook, instagram, twitter, etc. and also allows the user to save the image to the phone’s local photo gallery.

It is a handy app idea, nicely implemented.

Recreating a Memory in Maya

I recreated a scene from August 2016 when I visited California. One of the key things from my visit there was my trip to Malibu and the Zuma beach. I used Maya to recreate the scene as I remember it.

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